250 gms of grapes
400 gms of sugar
Wheat or yeast can be added for fermentation but i didnt ...and some people say they add water too...I didnt add water too:P.. so its a bit contentrated:P
grapes crushed + sugar then the bottle need to wait for 21 days..
Now its over..:)
and it was late nite i filtered it out so not yet tasted by our taste bud( My father) :)
and to make it drink my sis was a bit difficult as she felt it as 21 days kept grapes :(..but there too i succeed :P..made her drink...and after that as always she tells yaa its taste good :D
Got a compliment too...:)
Got a compliment too ???
wats dat ? ;)
But still, yaar, u hav a bad fate to make everyone drink naa..
so pitty...... :(
But now mee too feeling to make one wine here at my home...
so easy :o
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