Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Wedding !

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Genius mE
PS : Please don't tell me somebody already discovered it :(
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Again Buddy NOT found !
So this time, it was rather an experience than a shock . Guess What ??
I didn't get any gift this year too :) .
Today I sent a mail to our HR with a Title "Found- Buddy MISSING" - with a list of people whose buddies are also missing .
He came to me running after a while and explained to me a number of things and called it FACTS.
Then on a different NoTe : Today I(We ?) celebrated first anniversary of something which is now a memory :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fire Fire !!!
Between all these who even cares to hear the fire alarm ringing ; more over in a place where there will be a fire drill every another week(Bored ?? Lets Have a fire drill !). And by now the sound of the fire alarm is an quite common thing and by now everyone's ears have even started to ignore it.
After 5 mins of continuous ringing and still no one even thought of moving from their seats, the fire drill function executives came up with an excellent idea and raised the sound volume. Now people started noticing the sound and were discussing that its like the tiger story ; one day if at all a real incident comes no one will leave the place, thinking its again a demo .

After 10 mins , still no one moved or thought about it - HR came in with a very panic face and shouted at everyone to leave at once , he made everyone jump from their seats - he also instructed the ladies to take their bags with them , and lead everyone out of office . for about 30 seconds he made himself a success leaving the rest to panic and think it was a real incident .
People were tensed for number of things. Most of them said I took my phone with me - the very important thing . some other said - Oh my bag is inside the office and inside that my lunch (too sad). But to tell the fact , these IT people care more about their job than life, everyone were so particular to swipe out .
Once out of office everything was clear, milk was milk and water was water.
It was again a demo .
Monday, December 14, 2009
The gal who couldn't sleep !
Say the session started at 9:30 am with very warm welcoming from the person in chair that is with a "come on lets sleep !"- statement (considering it as the most suitable joke of 'the time' )
and you can guess who was in the chair ... of course the girl who slept is now assigned to take the same session for 8 new joiners . what a life !!which leaves me alone to think- "what goes around - comes around" - may be true .
well - no one slept in my class; again, except me :D .
And one more thing I would like to say , I am not a bad teacher in fact i am good enough , just need a bit of improvising because I understood everything I taught :P.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Love Again :)
Some days back I realized how much I do Love him* , her+ , Them .
I can Certainly Live without YOU
But , I cant , without THEM.**
How much true is this !
We can't tolerate it when the smallest pin hurts them, But we don't even think of it when it comes from us.
I didn't understand the depth of the above sentence as such. I had to experience it myself to understand the meaning of it.
I am lucky I know it at least now, I know whats my priority . :P
*( Father )
+ (Mom)
** (* & +)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Lack of topic
One Month - No notice - I am sorry !- lack of interest - lack of topic- lack of skill- or lot of attitude - what ever you cal it - I was truly out of mind -otherwise i would have scribled something in here. in between i tried to acquire some correct english knowledge- after that even, i tried to write something but i got looped up in between the "may,might , could , would, shall,can or could " thing.
I had to take a long break; back to be in place. now i am free of confusions and out of the loop - say- back in track - with lot of mistakes .
So - Two days back - in the middle of road- inside a moving auto - girl in green saree - guy in blue T shirt -French Kissed - leaving me alone to wonder where am I, for a sec or two.
On a different note - even a lot of people wont believe/disagree what i am gonna say. I successfully completed taking class for S3 C programing paper for 4 students - with a lot of telephonic class i had to attend from a small Yet to be Prof fellow ..
Thank You :) (Never bother to say welcome as comment :P )

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Again Its Maa day !!!
Well . . I am a Google person, Other wise I would have said Yaaahoo :D
This day is again a special day
I am two years old
Old enough to walk "well" , talk "well" , write "well"
Yes ! I am still in the "WELL"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Letter to a stranger !
Today , I posted it :)
PS: The guy is a student to whom I wrote and he is a writer .
PS1: The purpose of PS is just to make you confuse .(:D) but, what i said is true.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Lady From DreamLand !

There are no trees in deserts
But ,Still deserts have air- known as dreams ! ;)

PS : Practically everything and anything is possible in Dreams and its really WOW :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
It seems . .
What ??
Delivery !
Mood : Mommy ! I want a Digital (10 MP , 15 zoom) camera

Monday, September 21, 2009
Its a JOKE :P
Grandma (to Grandson ) : Do you know name and stars of all family members ?
Grandson (He will be
around 25 years old ) : Yes ! I know Father's , Mother's, Sruthi's , Your's, Grandpa's .
Grandma : Good , then go and take 'Archana' Receipt for all
Grandson : (after a while , coming back from a stall ) Grandma ,
What is my Star ? ?
Grandma : You stand here, I will go and take .
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
If You . . .
You are so negative
If you say your feelings
You are so sentimental
If you say your point of view
You are so Stubborn
If you say the truth
You are so mean to yourself
If you say " I think it will work"
You are so over confident
If you say "It might not work"
You are not thinking out of the box
If you say " its not Logical"
You are too Practical
If you say "Its possible"
You are positive
If you say "You look great"
You are flattering and of course you need somthing
If you say "You look fine ! "
You are just Jealous
If you are committed and talkative
You are friendly
If you are single and talkative
You are flirty
If you unknowingly point out a mistake done by your teammate
You are bossy and you want to impress your boss
If you remind something to your teammates
You simply what to be your boss's pet
If you say "I want to stop writing this here"
You are simply arrogant and irritating
Yes I am
So I can stop this here :D
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
It was all fun
Where ??
Of course, in this blog itself
Clue ??
Search in 2008 :P
Friday, August 28, 2009
Were words go Numb !!!
All this pictures are natural and authentic and ofcourse copy righted,any coping ,printing or misusing of the same will be highly punishable crime .
No cam/computer works done !

PS: The pic was actually focused on something else. :P, Wrong guess ! thats not the smoke ;)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Haunting Dreams !
DREAM-Psychological Meaning:
Dreams of death represent the ending of one phase so that a new one can begin. It can show forthcoming finalities such as the end of a marriage or career. These are symbolic dreams and are unlikely to forecast an actual event. If the dead person is someone you know, consider what aspect of yourself that person represents. For example, if you dream of your mother dying could it represent the 'death' of the motherly side of your own nature. Perhaps you should try to be more caring and maternal or perhaps plans you have should be nurtured rather than killed off. Alternatively, you may also be expressing your hidden feelings about the person shown. Do you have a secret resentment towards them or desire to be independent of them? Dead animals may also represent aspects of yourself. They indicate that you may be rejecting or repressing your instinctive side.
Well i feel better nowTo see Death of another person in dream means- the ending of one phase so that a new one can begin. It can show forthcoming finalities such as the end of a relationship.
Good :)
But i don't want to see such dreams again . Trust me it hurts
The Other day it was 'species' sleeping beside me
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Suicide time :)
-> I learned
a) That you can talk and talk and make people bored (which i never knew before I met her, I always thought , to talk and talk was a good stuff,i never imagined others can also get bored with the same , i never notices there are always things like WHAT,HOW and to WHOM you talk)
b) or you can entertain others by talking which is really difficult
c) So now I am learning " How to stop talking"
d) Just because of one fear that someday my fans may feel my talking boring.. its better to stop singing when then tune is good
-> I still can't configure how to say, to any guy, that please never fall in love with me or tell me, I love You , because it makes me SICK and I will end up saying same here .. I too love me [*Cond. applied]
Last but not the Least

-> I have successfully completed one year with E&Y .. Kudos to all my supporters who were with me every day hearing my energetic exiting stories
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Bewildered ME
it's just a matter of fact that they don't think like you. ;)
A lot more on the way.. on hold
MOOD : Bewildered

Friday, July 24, 2009
A, AN or THE
I am perhaps having an happening time in my life.
-> fed up with fire mails I told my boss please! if you really don't have any work please see some one who can give you some work (well planed to tell :D)
-> My company wants me to take an MCP certification [For what ? Well I have no idea]
-> this month I spent most of the time thinking about me, and concluded I haven't done anything in particular yet :)
->List of People in My fans' Association are increasing day by day which indirectly points out the less number of unmarried girls in here.
-> Small small things doesn't happen the way you want
-> Some where I read , Now do the things you are supposed to do and there will be a day when you can do the things you wish to do [hopefully i will get a day ]
-> If you are not good at what you are doing now , trust me , there is something some quality in you which makes you unique from all others, just the fact that its not yet been identified. :P simply wait for the DAY :D
-> I have decided I will not go for a free pissa and coke treat from any one coming from Bahrain.
-> I simply love talking .
-> I sound bold than I used to be [Now ,I am scared of myself at times ]
-> I am waiting for the release of 2012 :)
-> Mental me :)
-> So thats it .. quite a boring article . It was better if I could just write A,AN or THE ;)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Romantic Justification
No you have never
Have I ever told you ‘you are sweet?’
No you have never
Have I ever told you ‘You are cute?’
No you have never
Have I ever told you ‘You make me feel happy?’
No you have never
Have I ever told you ‘I wish you were here?’
No you have never
Have I ever told you ‘I Love You?’
No you have never
Because I never wanted to Lie to you
Because I never wanted to keep you in dark :D
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Scared mE
Telling about this to a colleague he told me back that only those guys find me interesting.. :|
I am at most scared by now and have come to the conclusion that I am not matured enough to take them when I am alone.
In general I consider my self as a friendly person , but now I am getting confused what make them think I am even talk able person from a sentence I tell them.
OK ! I am talking about the God’s own country’s Auto drivers :D
Incident One
ME : Vazhutakadu, Ambrosia
HIM: Isn’t it in Bakery Junction
ME : Oh Ya ! Sorry about it .
HIM: (after a while) where do you stay ?
ME : Nope ! why ?
HIM: Kawdiar ?
HIM: pattom ?
ME : Nope ! why ?
HIM: kawdiar ?
ME : hmmm
HIM: have seen you a lot there .
ME : :|
Incident Two
ME : Thycaud school please .
HIM: Is there any exam today ?
ME : Yes ! JTO
HIM: There are also other exams today !
ME : oh
HIM: just dropped anther person to another school, what a cruelty ?
ME : Sorry ?
HIM: how many well educated people are there in kerala with out job , still they -the Govt- are giving extension for the retired people.
ME : hmmm
HIM: When will all this change ? I had a job in a private company , and I even use to get 20 000 per month, but I didn’t want to do slavery . Where do you stay ?
ME : Just here it self.
HIM: My grandfather used to stay there. Now he is no more. All this sons are now abroad , well settled. The royal blood will be royal always. They can’t do bad stuff. I am the only person in my family doing this job.
ME : :) Its not that bad job . we can call It people service.
HIM: But a lot of people doesn’t think that way .
(I reached my place :D )
Incident Three
ME : Tamil school
HIM: Any exam there ?
ME : yeah !
HIM: You will get!
ME : oh thanks !
HIM: No seriously I am telling the truth .
HIM: you are person who have achieved every thing you want . aren’t you ? that’s what your face say about you.
ME : oh ! No really there are all sort of limitations for me as well .
HIM: Hmm that’s for all , but you have got every thing in life.
HIM: Am I wrong ?
ME : K
HIM: you are sort of person who gives whole heart if some one loves you
ME : What ?
HIM: You are very Jolly ! Am I not correct?
ME : [IDEA – better not to speak – keep a smiling face ]
HIM: you will have a family soon.
ME : what ?
HIM: I mean You will get married soon .
ME : oh !
HIM: yeah ! with in one and half years . is there already some one ?
ME : parents are looking for suitable guy .
HIM: your face tells you will be married soon.
ME : just leave me in here please.
HIM: ok ! you will get selected today .
ME : Thanks .
I stick to my decision and walked back home which took me half an hour to reach home.
MY present state : Recovering [progressing very slow]
My heart is not yet ready for another such shock
PS: 'ME' in the 3 incidents refer to Myself.
PS1: 'HIM' in the 3 incidents refer to three different persons.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Brilliant mE

You were a girl
I would have snatched you
And given you a baby.
And sent you for PTA meetings."