One Month - No notice - I am sorry !- lack of interest - lack of topic- lack of skill- or lot of attitude - what ever you cal it - I was truly out of mind -otherwise i would have scribled something in here. in between i tried to acquire some correct english knowledge- after that even, i tried to write something but i got looped up in between the "may,might , could , would, shall,can or could " thing.
I had to take a long break; back to be in place. now i am free of confusions and out of the loop - say- back in track - with lot of mistakes .
So - Two days back - in the middle of road- inside a moving auto - girl in green saree - guy in blue T shirt -French Kissed - leaving me alone to wonder where am I, for a sec or two.
On a different note - even a lot of people wont believe/disagree what i am gonna say. I successfully completed taking class for S3 C programing paper for 4 students - with a lot of telephonic class i had to attend from a small Yet to be Prof fellow ..
Thank You :) (Never bother to say welcome as comment :P )

"Nightmare on main() street..."
mm..nice blog - :-)
ninte pillerellaam jayichcha?
@ WW
thankyou thankyou
:S ;)
@ Aghoshx
Blimey new reader !!!! Welcome
@ Riaz
Result not out yet :P
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