Once We reached there . . .
“Oh My God! Chitra, You where a small child who hold my little finger when I last saw you , now you have grown up… wow! You look beautiful “ Said one Uncle to me
“ Brother, I want Chitra to get married with in 6 months “ he told my father
“Chitra! You look great ,have put on weights , hmm but you look more sweet and chubby now” a cousin told me
“Chitra, You have become fat (gundu)” :(
“Next is Chitra’s , isn’t it Chitra? With in 3 months right ?” another uncle asked
“Chitra, Just tell me you are ready, I have 7 guys ready in hand.7 lucky number . isn’t it??.” Said another Uncle
“I want you to get married next month itself.. What say ??” Another Uncle
Hearing this my younger cousins also started .. yeah. Next is your Next is yours, when will be it,, next month, who will be that lucky guy.. and so on
“Hey ! keep your wedding on vacation ok !, I will choose your groom, we will choose your costumes, we will choose your make up and everything”, Lekshmi said to me (Lekshmi is First Uncle’s daughter who is now studying in 8th std)
Beep . . . .Beep. . . . Beep. . . . A Heart detected !!!
Doctor Uncles ” Your prescribed medicine isn’t working in my blood right now”
6 months back when I visited Chennai , I came across a ‘perfect’ family .This time too that part didn’t had any change other than a small one . I got to meet more than one ‘perfect’ families. So if this goes on like this every time I go to Chennai I get to meet ‘perfect’ people, ‘perfect’ families, I don’t know where will it reach. The one great problem with this ‘perfect’ people are all others are imperfect except them which make the situation worse .But this ‘perfect’ people are too good, they want to make this world a ‘perfect’ one.. so they try telling out the sort of imperfections in others so that they can correct them self .(Remember ! the situation is becoming worse, all are ‘perfect’ people and they think others should change, But how did they manage to compromise in the same slogan ‘others need to change’ , which I don’t understand yet )
I fear , how may more ‘perfect’ people or families I will have to come across.. The only possible way which came up in my shallow mind is I must stop going to Chennai for a while, at least until till I could take up the next :D
( my dear readers , I am telling you about these ‘perfects’ only on behalf of very small number of people I get to meet there, in Chennai ,Sorry! If my knowledge is wrong )
To do shopping with my mum is really a tough task , indeed I enjoyed it this time , and I felt “ I want to spent more time out shopping, just a sack full of money and more time would have made me buy more .
One wish : I want to spent 3 months of my active, energetic time in Chennai
My purpose of visit to Chennai was my cousin’s wedding
Allow me to take you the wedding place
Just enough crowded with close friends and relatives, bride and groom are chanting some vedic mantras along with the bride’s father which instructed to them my priest.
Now its time for the wedding
The priest : “ In this world we all know there are two grahnams (eclipse ), Surya grahnam (solar eclipse )and Chandra grahanam( lunar eclipse ), But No , there are three grahanam , the third one is pani grahanam (accept the bride’s hand in marriage).
The two above said grahanams, surya and Chandra just last with us for 2 ½ hours with us after that they leave us, But pani grahanam doesn’t leave you once it holds your hand. It last as long as you live. From now you must earn and allow her to spent ,
Now , Hold her hands “
Poor groom had no other choice, he made “couldn’t you tell about this before “ face to the priest .
The bride’s mother, uncle and even mother in law where crying after the marriage. My father got stuck with it. He was made to think by the bride’s mother in law, “ why should the mother in law cry ??“.. and finally he concluded may be because she thought about she losing all her power over her son.
Food was indeed good and different , the night before wedding they had chat stalls, kulfi , fruits stalls, sandwich stalls and even more on the following day .
So that’s the marriage update
My wishes to the Bride and Groom :
To the Bride: All the best!!! Let God make you remember all the possible and non possible things you want to accomplish in this birth .
To the Groom : All the best!!! Let God may give you power, patience and energy to full fill all her wishes
We returned back after the function was over :)
PS: This time I had plans to write travelers note, But I couldn’t as most of the time I was busy sleeping .
good article .. but not ur best
danks.. :)
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