9th February 2009 , Monday
9.10 AM ,Office
RR: Good Morning Chitra
Me : Good Morning
RR: You know a lot of things happened on Friday, When you said Happy Journey that day I never expected it to be this much wonderful.
Me: Why ? what happened ?
RR:That day 6th February 2009 , Friday
5.00 Pm ,Office
Me: Bye, Chitra .
Chitra: Bye, Happy Journey :)
5.25 Pm, Railway Station
Malabar Express already came, I ran and ran and some how got into the train. There was no seat in the compartment I entered. It was Friday ,weekend rush was there. I noticed, there where other people giving me company standing. I was wandering to and fro in the compartment , then a guy who was sitting near window stood up and left, seeing that I jumped into the seat. So I got a seat, meanwhile the train reached kollam. Next to me was a guy and next to him was an old man. After some time the guy near me left. Seeing the seat a girl rushed towards it. I guess the old man didn’t like that , He moved towards me killing all my expectations and making me depressed , The girl sat next to him. I was sad, thinking about what all I have imagined to ask her, various topics I had with me to discuss with her, every thing now stood nowhere with out an end. The next stop arrived and the old man too left with no one else between us. I cheered up once again. My wishes budded again .
Now came another villain, A guy who was sitting opposite to us, kept his legs in the middle of our seat.
I didn’t wait for anything else, I started the talk.
In Techno park ??
She said “Yes”
Me : Which company ??
She: TSU
Soon our talks caught up with the speed of the train.
By then I had a lot of information about her, from her. She was BTech 2007 pass out and working as HR even more .
I told her that I am also placed in TSU, Is there any scope that they may call 2008 batch. She said “They haven’t yet completely called 2007 batch, So the scope is almost zero.”
Then I asked her some thing foolish. I asked her what was her offer. The compartment became silent at once. After a while she replied back. Those are matters not to be disclosed. I was embarrassed to an extend that I felt what on earth made me ask that question . I couldn’t hide my face as it turned red. The silences continued for while more .Some how I managed to stand the situation, as an justification I added “hmmm, I just asked it to compare with my offer “.
I was becoming more and more interested in her, I asked her where do she stay , why she is working as an HR ( I didn’t like when she said “ I am not that technical person”, because it remained me of you ) and I got answers for all my questions even she told me what was her payment to my relief.
That one and half hours how soon the time went ,I have no idea now. She was Roman Catholic , nice family base, but the only problem which came up was ‘she is 2007 pass out , what if she is elder that me ?? ‘.
Finally kottayam reached and she prepared to leave , right then I remembered something
Hey what is your name ??
Sara ( with a smile )
So that was a most wonderful day ... isn't it ??
Me: Was the girl married ??
RR: Oops.. I forgot to ask that :|
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