My last post was about “I Love You” proposal and choices … Answers if you want to choose… and while making such a post or even after publishing it I hardly had any idea of getting a proposal the following day… When I opened my orkut account the every next morning, some thing special was waiting for me which I had no idea of.
oh my changed a lot now... i hadnt even immagined you being this beautifulgirl.... i think you changed totally...your a bit-different charecter, which may have changed now as you being a responsible software engineer.... but i guess i will miss that old chitra.... who was one of my favorite girl... whom i loved secretly.... the whether changes and the leaves has to be shed, so i dont complain as you being something new, a new totally normal girl....but just know atleast now that thee was somebody who was in love with that girl, that old girl... though you were not this extra beautiful, in my eyes you were very beautiful....though your charecter was not like other girls, i was loving that total i loved you.... which nobody ever knew other than me... bye dear... a
Reading again I thought filling in some answers
oh my changed a lot now( Not exactly , I still don’t take your calls ) ... I hadn’t even imagined you being this beautiful girl( lack of imagination) .... i think you changed totally( Beep Beep.. REDUNDANCY DETECTED )...your a bit-different character( In Mammooty style: as u said I have an extra bit. ) , which may have changed now as you being a responsible software engineer( yeah of course I converted it into parity bit) .... But i guess i will miss that old chitra(I will answer that when I am old) .... who was one of my favorite girl... whom i loved secretly.... the whether changes and the leaves has to be shed( sun rises in d east and sets in west), so i don’t complain as you being something new , a new totally normal girl(thank you) ....but just know at least now that thee was somebody who was in love with that girl( Ji, husoor) , that old girl ... though you were not this extra beautiful , in my eyes you were very beautiful....though your character was not like other girls, i was loving that total i loved you(Thank you, I don't mind you loving me , Keep loving :P[ ref my previous post]) .... Which nobody ever knew other than me... bye dear... a( Not any more… :))
PS: Yesterday 15th Nov 2007 was the day I got placed in E&Y.
Are nt u glad that the cupid missed :) .. May be they can start a new series ... Desperate Orkuters !!
Ps: Congratulations
Yes of course I am
PS: Thanks :)
But Chitra, you have not left your level of chalu and humour sense...
Exactly you are still the same for anyone who have not understood you till your deep heart......
He is all that just becoz he proposed me ? am I that bad ?
@ anonymous2
I am exactly the same
Chitra , maybe u should delete that obscene comment. It is good that u have a hardcore fan but if he/she had any respect for u he/she would never have used profanity in your blog.
advice accepted and has been worked out :)
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