It will be fun if we go there with a lot of friends and for a get together then teh experience will be really good fun, that we will get a lot of item to be tasted :D
Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong!
When u feel u go and jumping into trouble for yourself then who can help the after effects.....well its too true that no one can help u ...and if they can then too...you dont have any right to ask for help....NO you dont have any rite to ask for help too...how can u make your self get into a trouble too easily and ask for help .if u do so ,u r too waste to face the trouble u have create .if u create a trouble u should have the guts to face it at any cost of course u need to have.. some confidence in you ..so that u can fight for ur trouble ...When u know u r the creator....so how can u call for a destroyer...one who creates have only the rite for destruction too...its not what i am saying...it the universal law.. that God creates he destroys....but here i am the creator of my problem ..My trouble...so i should be destroying it ..with no help if i can...what will u do if some one calls u too bad ..for nothing u did and the only reason is that u r a girl , he feels ..if u tell him that its your mother...if he feels bad for his mum, not for the person he is talking with ...he never respect the gal he talks with or any other , when he shows an attitude change for a girl or a guy...just a time pass he thinks ..well ..do he should only respect his family...why does nt he feel others also have feelings and even family...y dont he feel he started...
y dont he feel ....
It was about 9.40 pm , i was with my mum and sister talking in bedroom and i got a missed call from an unknown number ,first i taught that it can be a mistake and didnt care ,after about 5mins again from the same no, again miss call...i taught may be some one dnt have balance need me to cal them and i called back and asked whos that...then
"Shyamee nee vilikam ennu paranittu vilikattaenta" ( shyamee y didnt u cal after u told u wil call)
i got a bit confused hearing such a name ( i always think wild , i was thinking about a male shyam who should be attending the call ,i was thinking is my voice that hard that he mistook me as a guy ,etc)i asked him hellow who do he want that time and etc then again he asked the same question and then asked mee whether its medical college hostel , then i taught that it may be any of my friends wanna play with me for a sec and after that i understood that ,its been less than 30 sec i talked and understood that it was a wrong miss cal...i told him that its a wrong number and dont miss cal me again and cut the cal...
After 5 mins he called mee again and started to fire mee,, like that it was a mistake in a digit i could have talked much better ...and i hate people firing mee with no reason so i too started that is this the time to cal a gal for the first time and at late night do he expect some unknown gal to talk with him much better where i have only told its nt me who he was trying.and i can also get a cal from any of my friends who is nt there in my addr book and etc i too told and of course he felt
the next day around 5 pm again i got missed cal , i called back and asked him , hellow now i guess u know that i am nt the person who u r trying then why did u miss cal me now, then he told me that he didnt had balance to cal me and need to tel sorry for what happened yesterday , that his friends fired me last night, i told him , no one can fire mee unless there is some mistake i have done , so nothing like that happened and in fact they got fired and kept the phone, he told me that he didnt sleep that night because he feared a lot of what all his friends told to me ..i told I could have made his sleep miserable or
i could have called the customer care and cancelled the connection ..He told me thinking about that only he called me now...i corrected ( hellow i called u ..hmmm)
He told that he have nt seen girls like that and if i never had any prob can be friends and so.. and i gave a lot of advices to him and never to call a girl for first time that late and so on...then i have talked with him two more times just i was listen ...after that one sunday he started smsing mee like he liked me and he wish to see mee ; in all this was was picture messages so i didnt understand what he was meaning by that, a lot of picture sms came from him to me that day and i didnt understand ...just I taught he is forwarding me some messages...and one among them was an 'i love u' sms, later that day when i told abt the sms to my frnd he told me that its not like am thinking and its this time a bit different...then i tried to cal him and he smsed mee that he wil cal me at 10 pm nite..i become angry and sms back that how do u expect me to take your cal after
i told its already 10.40
he: so
me : so its good night
he : ok , bye and cut the cal
then some days after he miss cal me again and i called him back and asked y do he miss cal mee he told he was gonna call mee and then i told ok call me and cut the cal..
he called and we where boasting each other and then i told that i can join my company microsoft as my its my bf's company " he have one way afair with me and so and etc" then he asked some thng rubbish about me and i asked him back , is this the way his parents have teached him to behave ..and i told i dont like any one telling bad things about me and he then asked me what if it was my father , i told him back to imgine him as a girl and his father doing some thng ridicules like that and he lost his temper..and started shouting and then cut the cal..
then after 5 mins he called me back and i cut the cal and again he called and i cut and third time i took the cal..then i got a lot of new words which include mum dad and every one around, but the language was new to me so i cant rem the firings and he then cut the cal...i called him back and i told , ok dont cal me or miss cal me again.. this is the last time " he cut"..again i called and he didnt allow me to complete my dialogue....:|
after a lot of days when our results where published i got a sms from him like
" My dear enemy , let me know
I have nt replied yet :P